


Star Trek Information & FUN Sites

Star Trek information sites and links. Listed here are some very interesting links that cover a little bit of everything Star Trek. And always, if we left your information site out, please email us.

Fan Fiction -- Star Trek based fan fiction can be fun to read. Check out this story about how the Klingon's bodies changed from what there were to how they looked during the original series. View it here! By author Fran Tabor.

Mary Sues-- The best collection of the most implausible, ridiculous, gaudy, or just plain silly original Star Trek characters! Some rather inspiring Q & A. Writer's advice given. Good for a laugh or two.

Random Facts -- This site is dedicated to "Random Facts" about a number of varied topics. We link to their Star Trek page here. And then you can answer the question of who said, "Beam me up Scotty" ?

Risa -- Star Trek social media website; Risa is a website designed and built by Star Trek fans. It allows fans to communicate in a social media platform to express their feelings and share their stories. The idea behind this website was to create one social platform where all fans can come together, to share in their stories and meet new people. It utilizes the best features of Facebook and Twitter along with some more features specific to the network.

Science Fiction Buzz -- We link directly to the Star Trek page. But they cover all forms of science fiction with pages also devoted to Stargate and Battlestar Galactica and more. There mission statement reads, "We cover what's going on in the genre, conveying the information in a fun and inspiring fashion. Science fiction is about hope, encouragement and the future. It is pure escapism, a window into imagination and fantasy. In a time when our world is super-serious, where diseases abound and terror is delivered with the evening news, the Science Fiction Buzz is a haven. We encourage you to leave your cares behind, and for a few moments, dwell in the astounding." Well worth a visit.

Star Trek Creator -- The official biography of Star Trek founder Gene Roddenberry by his friend David Alexander. View an interview concerning this interesting story behind Star Trek that features interviewer Dwayne Walker talking to author David Alexander.
INTERVIEW LINK, And to check out the book,Star Trek Creator: The Authorized Biography of Gene Roddenberry.

STAR TREK - URANTIA --- Not updated since Sept 2008) This site discusses Gene Roddenberry's being a student of the teachings of the Urantia book and the influence from this book that appears throughout Star Trek. This site discusses examples of that influence.

Trek Today -- Daily Star Trek headlines. What is going on or what has been going on the last couple of days with all things Star Trek.

Trek Web -- The ultimate Star Trek news site! was founded in 1996 by Steve Krutzler as a personal interest site devoted to reporting on the STAR TREK franchise. The site's immediate predecessor was, a site devoted to 1996's feature film STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT. (fyi, that site name is available last I checked) This site was the first unofficial STAR TREK web site on the Internet to have its own domain name and set the standard for graphically-designed STAR TREK web sites, which had previously been text-based.

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For those actors in any of the Star Trek series, We would love to include you. Please contact us.